Tuesday 4 May 2010

I may never eat bread again :)

This lettuce wrap thing is GORGEOUS.
I did aerobic stuff on the Wii for half an hour, so I figure that should have covered the 100cal of tuna I've had.
I mixed it with some sweetcorn, then ripped off a bunch of lettuce leaves and sat down and watched Bear Grylls and scooped tuna mix onto the lettuce, wrapped it up and ate it :)
And because there's so many leaves, it feels like you're eating LOADS.
And, since carbs are my main problem when it comes to bingeing, I'm happy to find this substitute.
Then I can definitely hang it out til dinner, obvs.
I'm wondering if I'd be better off eating breakfast though...
But then if I don't manage to burn it off, I'd be screwed :/
Oh well.
I feel nice and full.

On the downside, I gained a pound. Unsurprisingly after yesterdays HORRID ice cream binge.
Ergh, I don't even want to think about it.
But I'm back on track now.
Burning off extra food and whatnot :)
Be back later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It looks like you're doing really well XD I love the lettuce wrap idea. Lately, I've been eating steamed cabbage which is surprisingly good when I use it as a wrap or eat it as a snack. I just wrap up pieces of cabbage in a damp napkin and microwave it for a bit. Yum~

    Good luck! Hang in there! <3
